Las Damas españolas

Entonces, en las damas españolas no hay obligacion de capturar?

Saludos. América latina cuenta con la mayor cantidad de damistas en la modalidad de damas españolas. En cambio, las plataformas donde pueden jugar todavía tienen defectos. Sería muy importante para todos los jugadores de damas españolas el poder contar con un sitio tan prestigioso como este.

for me spanish draughts seems like an interesting variant, solves the draw problem of english aka boring draughts quite elegantly with flying kings!

Tienes razon @damazio
Creo que deberiamos de poner una solicitud, y una vez añadida la variante podriamos hacer un club y torneos

I'm not a programmer, but would it be just possible to copy the playstrategy code, change the pieces to the white squres and make a pull request to lidraught's github page? The analysis board would've need to be added manually though...

@HawaiiBlue Argentinian draughts is much more enjoyable than Spanish draughts, and Argentinian rules allow to convert material advantage into easy win.
In my opinion, the whole family of Spanish draughts (see ) should be introduced by adding Tanzanian (8x8) and Indonesian (10x10) as the first, because they have international board orientation, so technically they need less adaptation.
Tanzanian draughts video: . More videos available at Youtube channel Checkers Tz.

Sería una bendición muy grande el jugar las damas españolas en lidraugts y además el agregar nuestros estudios personales. No hay plataforma que se le compare a lidraugts y es una pena que toda Latinoamérica esté limitada con las damas Españolas.

@LuluDraughts saludos, en damas españolas si es obligatorio capturar, siempre y cuando sea para el frente para el caso de los peones. La dama juega igual con la misma libertad que en la regla internacional.

I have been aware of the request to add the Checker Spanish variant to this platform and therefore I join in requesting the platform administrator to add this type of variant since the same as the Brazilian, Russian, Jamaican, etc., etc. It would be a very good contribution from the administrator to add and you will see that hundreds and hundreds of players will be added to this platform and it would be great and very popular for the rest of us who like that game.
We will be waiting to ensure that our request is taken into account and that we are not ignored.
